Thursday, September 28, 2017

Triplet Announcement

Announcing our new additions

Our birth story is forthcoming!! Stay tuned

Monday, January 26, 2015

2014 Christmas Card

So here is this years, well last years Christmas card. I decided that I would put it up on the blog for those who didn't get it because I didn't have your address (or I had an incorrect address). We also sent out a little letter. At first I felt stupid putting in the letter but, know that we have less contact with friends and family I decided it was a good way to up date people. Don't worry you won't hurt my feelings if you don't read it. I actually really like getting Christmas cards and letters from friends and family. It helps me feel some what connected to people whom we don't talk with all the time but care deeply about. So I am adding our letter here as well. Who knows maybe next year we can actually get the dogs to look at the camera for a few seconds while we snap a picture.

Hello Friends and Family,

Well this year has come and is almost gone and it has been a little crazy the last few months. We started the year kind of slow but we sure made up for it later. Yes, if you looked at the address on the card, the address is correct we now live in OHIO.  Here are a few highlights for the year 2014.

Bronson- He has had an exciting year to say the least. The first half of the year kept him really busy at ESPN. They were working hard in preparation for the World Cup. World Cup went off without too many issues and then along came the next project and reorganization of departments was in the works. Bronson wasn’t involved in the reorg because he ended up getting a new job in Ohio. He now works for a company called Explorys. He works in downtown Cleveland next door to the Cleveland Clinic. He is a System Engineer and services several Hadoop clusters at his new job. They process medical data for hospitals and doctors offices. Basically he is a computer geek.

Lexie- I taught Seminary up until we moved from Connecticut and while I miss teaching tremendously I love it here in Ohio. I didn’t mind The World Cup. I love watching it every four years. Plus this year I got to watch a few games at ESPN, how cool is that! It was AWESOME, and GERMANY WON!! The first part of the year had us busy preparing for Trek. Bronson and I were Ma and Pa Oeser. We loved being able to serve the youth in the stake. We survived the hardships and trials we faced and absolutely loved being with the youth and watching their testimonies grow. I also worked long hours on uniforms for Rocky Hill Marching Band. They started out in white pants and then we got black pants, which were so much better, but it meant another fitting. It was worth it. Now I am trying to get us settled in our new surroundings and love feeding the birds and squirrels in the back yard.

Hannah- Early on in the year Hannah played the part of Aunt Eller in the play Oklahoma. She did a fantastic job. She also tried out and was cast in the ensemble for NCTC’s production of Les Miserables. Hannah was super excited for the world cup this year and was in heaven when Germany won the world cup! This is Hannah’s last year in high school. Can you believe she is a senior? Yeah neither can we. Hannah got her first real job serving in a retirement home. She had to fill out W-2 forms and realized that soon she will be an adult. Scary! She also moved to Ohio her senior year. She has been a real trooper with the move and very upbeat and optimistic. She has applied for college and is working at, Moe’s Southwest Grill, and saving for a college. She is also planning on going on a mission. Keep your eyes open for her graduation announcements in May!

Haleigh- Haleigh has really grown up a lot this year. She also turned 16 and has her permit. Drivers license will soon follow after she finishes drivers ed in January. In the spring she lettered in Track again, throwing discus, and took 10th in the CCC East Championships and 11th in the class M State Championships. She also took 1st at the Middletown Invitational in JV. Her next exciting adventure was Trek. She was one of the oldest of a young family and had to step up as the older sister. She definitely learned how strong she is spiritually as well as physically. I guess that discus training paid off.  Then it was the beginning of marching band and she was the drum major for this year. Just as marching band season was starting we found out about the job opportunities. Things were a little crazy but we stayed in CT for rest of Marching Band. The Royal Blues Marching Band performed “The Sohei”. They took 1st place at the Rockville home show in their division. Haleigh has really been positive with the move and is starting to feel comfortable. She is playing the saxophone and the viola in band and orchestra. She has 4 AP classes and is doing great in school. She sleeps, eats, studies and plays music!

Chewbacca and Dewlanna- They enjoyed the move when it was over. They did not love traveling in the car for 8 hours but slept most of the time. Now they spend their days watching the birds and squirrels eating from the bird feeder. They sleep a lot and love having a fenced yard to run around in. They still love taking walks and are afraid of the geese flocks around here. Honestly If I were their size I might be afraid too!

We have been truly blessed this year. We miss Utah and now Connecticut but we already love Ohio. We have felt the Lords hand during this transition and are truly grateful for all the many blessings we have received. We have been so blessed to know so many amazing people in our lives and are thankful we have so many ways to keep in touch. We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas this year and always remember the gift we all received, the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the Gift!

                                                                        All our love,

                                                                                    Bronson, Lexie, Hannah and Haleigh Oeser

Monday, December 8, 2014

Skype session

This is a picture from a few months ago. We try to Skype with Bronson's Dad, Dan, each week. Sometimes our schedule works and sometimes it doesn't but everyone has a super fun time catching up. I can't remember what the girls were talking about but all three of them were laughing a lot. I consider this great family bonding time. It is times like this that I find technology is awesome and amazing. When Bronson is on call and his phone goes off every hour all night long, I want to throw the phone across the room or hit it with a hammer. I know, I know first world problems.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First day of School

 So here is the first day of school. Hannah is a senior and Haleigh is a junior at Rocky Hill High School. It seems weird that this is the last day for Hannah to do a first day of school picture. Next year her first day of school will be at college. Oh man how did that happen. On top of that we only have one more first day of school picture left with Haleigh. Double how did that happen. They are growing up way too fast.


 Here is Hannah's 1st day of preschool and below is Haleigh wishing it was her 1st day of school. She had a hard time waiting a whole year until she could go to school!
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day preschool. Hannah's 2nd year Haleigh's 1st year.

Hannah first day of Kindergarten. Haleigh waiting for preschool to start.

Haleigh, Hannah and Abby 1st day of School 2003.  Haleigh-Kindergarten, Hannah 1st, Abby 2nd.
Haleigh, Hannah and Abby 1st day of School 2004. Haleigh-1st, Hannah 2nd, Abby 3rd.
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day of school 2005. Hannah 3rd, Haleigh 2nd.
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day of school 2006. Hannah 4th, Haleigh 3rd.
Haleigh and Hannah 1st day of school 2007. New School Foothills. Haleigh 4th, Hannah 5th

I know I have more first day of school pictures but I can't seem to find them. When I find them I will add them. Needless to say we have some cute girls and I really can't believe they are so grown up.

Beautiful Girls

   How did Bronson and I get so lucky to have such amazing beautiful girls. We are truly blessed.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Family Time

We have a tradition of playing games as a family and lately we have added another tradition. When the girls have a school break we put together a Lego project. This is the one we put together over Thanksgiving break last year in 2013.
Here is the finished product!

Monday, August 19, 2013

16 Years...where has the time gone!

Someone had a birthday a couple of months back, okay like 6 months back,  and so we took a trip to Disney World. Here you can see Hannah is in heaven with her favorite character Eeyore.  Where has the time gone. It seems like only yesterday Hannah was born. Now she is growing up faster than we would like. We are enjoying the teenage years and she is so much fun to be around but I feel time fleeting by quickly. Two years from now we will be getting ready to deliver her to college and it won't be long after that papers will be sent in for a mission. Then all too soon she will be married. Even though time is moving quickly we are enjoying this amazing girl we have. Her laughter is contagious. She helps out at every turn. We are so proud of this amazing girl we have and can't wait to see what the future holds for her. Okay maybe it can wait a little bit. I wouldn't mind if time slowed down just a bit. I can say that we are savoring this time with our little girl. Happy Birthday Hannah.