Monday, October 20, 2008


I told Bronson in January that we needed to do something BIG for his 30th birthday. I gave him a choice he could finish the backyard for a big friends & family BBQ or go on a trip. Guess what he picked? Yep, the trip. So Bronson and I ran away to Chicago for 6 days. We had so much fun and between the two of us we took over 300 pictures. Here are some of our favorites.

Bronson at the end of Navy Pier on his birthday. He is now officially 30 years old!

Polar Bear at Linclon Park Zoo. This bear was so fun to watch he was not happy that a guy was sitting in front of the glass window and leaning up against it. There was another bear that kept swimming in circles totally oblivious to everything going on around him.

View from Sears Tower sky deck

One of our favorite things we did on our trip was going to the musical "Wicked". We absolutely loved it, if you get a chance to see it GO!

I took this picture just for my sister, Paula because she is big Oprah fan!

Bronson in front of Soldier Stadium where the Chicago Bears play

This was across the street from our hotel. (I posted it just for Chuck)

As you can see we kept ourselves quite busy so here is Bronson taking a nap.

Wii Fun

Ok I had to put this up because I think it is so cute. Jared,Julie and the kids came down for Haleigh's birthday and before they left Carter and the girls played the Wii. He is so stinkin cute. My mom tells everyone how cute he is and she loves playing with him.

Haleigh Turns 10!

We took Haleigh and some of her friends to dinner and miniature golfing for her birthday. It was a blast. The girls seemed to have a great time. (They only cheated a little) We gave up keeping score after a while. They also made up a song and sang it at Cold Stone when we went for ice cream. (The girls didn't get a tip though)

Here is Haleigh and Jensen "Queens of the Rock"

1st Day of School

Can you believe it this is Hannah's last year of elementary. She is growing up right before our eyes. Haleigh is growing just as much but, at least we have a bit before she will be in Jr High. Note for next year don't take a picture where the girls have to look at the sun.

I know Hannah looks like she is going to cry but, it was just the sun.
They are having a great year and they love their teachers.

Worst Blogger Ever

Ok so I am the worst blogger ever. I knew when I started this blog I wouldn't get things posted as often as I wanted. Hopefully in the coming months I will be better at posting more often. In the next few posts are some of the things our family has been doing lately.