Thursday, July 2, 2009

Teachers through the Years

Ok so after I put up the girls last day of school pictures I thought it would be fun to see all of Hannah's Elementary school teachers. We have a picture of each one on the last day of school. Even Mr. Baird's who told me I would not be getting a picture because he doesn't do pictures but, he was a good sport. Thanks to all these teachers for helping to make Hannah who she is today and giving her everything she needs in the years to come.

Kindergarten...Mrs Briggs

1st Grade...Mrs Kay

2nd Grade...Mrs Jones

3rd Grade...Mr Baird

4th Grade...Mr Frankowski

5th Grade...Mrs Hiatt

6th Grade...Mrs Peterson

Last day of School

Ok so really the last day of school was May 29th but because I am a slacker I am just getting this up here. I can't believe Hannah will be in Junior High next year. What is even worse Haleigh only has one year of elementary left. Now that is scary and makes me feel old.

Here is Haleigh with Miss Koyle....actually Mrs Wirfs...she got married during the year.

Here is Hannah with Miss Keele....actually Mrs Peterson...she got married too!
Congratulations to Hannah for graduating 6th grade!....Here comes Jr High!

Spring Piano Recital

Here is a couple of pictures from the girls piano recital. They have improved so much on the piano. They really do play well and I love that sometimes they practice with out me even telling them to. Hannah and Haleigh played a duet called Petite Spanish Dance and then Hannah played Miniature Sonatina, one of her festival pieces and Haleigh played Majestic Mountain that she played for festival.

Here is Haleigh playing

Here is Hannah playing

Here are Hannah and Haleigh with their piano teacher Anna Kennington

2009 Hershey Track

Every year the girls get excited about Hershey track. It is a fun day watching all the kids run their hearts out. I love to go and cheer on all the kids. This year Hannah took 3rd place in the 200 meter race and had a chance to go to the region track meet. She wasn't able to go the the region meet because we were in Vegas for Haleigh's Nationals Dance competition. I loved that this year both Hannah and Haleigh had Hershey track on the same day. It was a great day.

Here is the only picture I got of Haleigh that day and you can hardly see her behind the girl in the red shirt. I missed her first race. I know what kind of Mom am I to miss her race but, they actually started on time this year and I am always running late.

Here is Hannah happy that she made it to the 200 Finals

Here is Hannah when she took 3rd in the 200 Meter Finals

Hannah's 2008-2009 U-13 Soccer Team

Hannah had so much fun playing soccer this year. She was so lucky to play with such wonderful girls. They were always having so much fun. Treaci Tagg was her coach and also Coach Marcos. She made some great friends and great memories. Hannah had tryouts and is now on a different U-13 team but, she will have another great year. Some of the same girls are on her team and some old friends and she can't wait for the season to start!

No More Glasses for Bronson

Bronson has been wanting to get lasik done for a couple of years now and so I finally made an appointment. After they tested his eyes to make sure he would be a good candidate they sent us in to get the surgery scheduled. We were thinking it would be a couple of weeks. We were surprised to find out they had an opening the very next day. On May 6th Bronson went in for Lasik. He does not miss his glasses at all and is so happy he had the surgery done.

Here is Bronson in his fancy goggles. He had to sleep in these for about 5 days to protect his eyes. He sucked at wearing them every morning we found them across the room or under the bed. Yes he can be a very crazy sleeper. Where do you think Haleigh gets it from.

Can I please dye my hair again!

Hannah really wanted to add a little red in her hair and dye it dark again. We found a picture of a style she liked and took it to the salon. The cut was cute but, it wasn't just what she wanted. Hannah also soon found out that red fades fast and she really like just having her hair dark.

Tales from Arabian Nights

Hannah decided to do two plays this year with Spanish Fork Youth Theater. She was Aladdin's mother among other things in Tales from Arabian Nights. They did such a good job with this play and as always Hannah had so much fun.

Haleigh's First Solo Competition

This year Haleigh wanted to do a solo. It was her first year and she did great even when she had to take 7 weeks off because of her broken collarbone. Here is her first competition in Bountiful and all the girls that competed that night with solos, duos or trios. We had a ton of girls and it was so much fun to watch them.

101 Dalmatians

Hannah loves theater! Anyone who knows her can tell you how much she loves to perform in plays and loves to watch them! Here she is in Spanish Fork's youth theater production of 101 Dalmatians.

Hannah's 12th Birthday

I is amazing to me to think that Hannah is 12 years old. I still remember the day Hannah was born. I wasn't really scared and couldn't wait to see her. If anything was wrong it was the fact that everyone was eating except me and watching the all star game while I was in labor and my hospital room was housing an Oeser family reunion. Of course Bronson was there trying to comfort me in between me throwing up in a bowl. My mom was there and so was Renee. Heather and Kristi were there as well as Dan. Aunt Connie came down with a present because she missed the baby shower, and came to the hospital because nobody was home. Aunt Colleen came down from Idaho to pick up a car from Dan and stopped by the hospital. The nurses couldn't believe how many people kept coming to the hospital. Luckily Hannah came in the middle of the night so most people were gone or waiting in the hall. Hannah finally arrived at 2:53 am on Monday, February 10th weighing in at 8lbs 7oz and was absolutely beautiful despite Bronson saying she looked like ET. I almost hit him. We were so happy to have her in our life.

Hannah is growing up right before our eyes. She is becoming a such a wonderful young lady. I am excited to see what her future brings and how much fun the next few years will be!

Jazz Game 2009

Haleigh performed with Stars at a Jazz game during half time. I know it is a lot of extra work but it is such a great experience and great memories that she will have forever. This year they danced to Mama Mia and it was GREAT!

Here is Haleigh and some of her dance friends and they always have so much fun together.

Total Slacker

I am a total slacker. I know things have been crazy but, I can't believe how long it has been since I have put anything on here. Well my plan is to get caught up on what our family has been up to for the last six months.