Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Little Late...But Someone Had a Birthday

 Someone had a Birthday last month.  It was a crazy day filled with unbirthday activities like soccer practice, band practice, work and school.  We did find a little time for a Wendy's run and some cake.  Of course Bronson gave a nice little show to blow out his candles on his German Chocolate Cake.

The look on his face says it all
 "Really you think this is going to be hard
for me to blow out"

BIG Breath

This is the real Bronson!
And maybe a little too happy with himself!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Not Dead!

We haven't died.  We have just been a little busy.  Here is a picture from the beach last December.  In case you can't tell it was a little windy!