Monday, August 19, 2013

16 Years...where has the time gone!

Someone had a birthday a couple of months back, okay like 6 months back,  and so we took a trip to Disney World. Here you can see Hannah is in heaven with her favorite character Eeyore.  Where has the time gone. It seems like only yesterday Hannah was born. Now she is growing up faster than we would like. We are enjoying the teenage years and she is so much fun to be around but I feel time fleeting by quickly. Two years from now we will be getting ready to deliver her to college and it won't be long after that papers will be sent in for a mission. Then all too soon she will be married. Even though time is moving quickly we are enjoying this amazing girl we have. Her laughter is contagious. She helps out at every turn. We are so proud of this amazing girl we have and can't wait to see what the future holds for her. Okay maybe it can wait a little bit. I wouldn't mind if time slowed down just a bit. I can say that we are savoring this time with our little girl. Happy Birthday Hannah.

Eternal Family

We are an eternal family and I wouldn't change it for the world. Knowing that we will be together forever makes all the difference. We were very fortunate to join in a Youth Temple trip with our ward. As of right now the closest temple is the Boston Temple. That will change as now the Hartford Temple is now under way. Yes, we just had the ground breaking ceremony on Aug. 17, 2013 but we are excited to see the progress of the temple and soon to be able to enjoy the temple in our area. Right now the driving time to the Boston Temple is around 1 hour and 50 minutes depending on traffic. We are only about 25 minutes from the Hartford Temple.