Monday, December 8, 2014

Skype session

This is a picture from a few months ago. We try to Skype with Bronson's Dad, Dan, each week. Sometimes our schedule works and sometimes it doesn't but everyone has a super fun time catching up. I can't remember what the girls were talking about but all three of them were laughing a lot. I consider this great family bonding time. It is times like this that I find technology is awesome and amazing. When Bronson is on call and his phone goes off every hour all night long, I want to throw the phone across the room or hit it with a hammer. I know, I know first world problems.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

First day of School

 So here is the first day of school. Hannah is a senior and Haleigh is a junior at Rocky Hill High School. It seems weird that this is the last day for Hannah to do a first day of school picture. Next year her first day of school will be at college. Oh man how did that happen. On top of that we only have one more first day of school picture left with Haleigh. Double how did that happen. They are growing up way too fast.


 Here is Hannah's 1st day of preschool and below is Haleigh wishing it was her 1st day of school. She had a hard time waiting a whole year until she could go to school!
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day preschool. Hannah's 2nd year Haleigh's 1st year.

Hannah first day of Kindergarten. Haleigh waiting for preschool to start.

Haleigh, Hannah and Abby 1st day of School 2003.  Haleigh-Kindergarten, Hannah 1st, Abby 2nd.
Haleigh, Hannah and Abby 1st day of School 2004. Haleigh-1st, Hannah 2nd, Abby 3rd.
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day of school 2005. Hannah 3rd, Haleigh 2nd.
Hannah and Haleigh 1st day of school 2006. Hannah 4th, Haleigh 3rd.
Haleigh and Hannah 1st day of school 2007. New School Foothills. Haleigh 4th, Hannah 5th

I know I have more first day of school pictures but I can't seem to find them. When I find them I will add them. Needless to say we have some cute girls and I really can't believe they are so grown up.

Beautiful Girls

   How did Bronson and I get so lucky to have such amazing beautiful girls. We are truly blessed.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Family Time

We have a tradition of playing games as a family and lately we have added another tradition. When the girls have a school break we put together a Lego project. This is the one we put together over Thanksgiving break last year in 2013.
Here is the finished product!