Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Where oh Where did Hannah's Hair Go

Hannah has been talking about growing out her hair again. But before she grew it out she wanted to try a short hair cut. Here hair turned out so cute! She loves it and it is easy for her to do. AND NO SHE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE SHE IS 17 YEARS OLD! Ok maybe she can pass for 14.

Haleigh looks like a model

We went back to the same photographer that did our family pictures this year and got some head shots of Haleigh. His name is Maka with and his blog is We loved the pictures he did of our family and were excited with the photos he did of Haleigh. She had a lot of fun getting her pictures done. It was a little cold but Maka and his amazing wife Jeane made it go by fast and we ended up with some great pictures of Haleigh. I was a little worried because anyone who knows Haleigh knows she has the cheesiest smiles but, I didn't need to worry because the pictures turned out GREAT!

Who are these kids

Who are these big kids living in my house? Where does all my food and hot water go? Not mention all our money!
Hannah is emailing her friends and writing her own music, listening to her ipod and drawing in her spare time. Boys are calling our house and Bronson walks around the house with his hands over his ears and saying "LA LA LA LA I don't want to hear it"

Haleigh dances all over the house, carries her ipod and nintendo ds where ever she goes. She plays the piano extremely well and even cleans her room once in a while.

But, Seriously I love these girls they are growing up right before my eyes and I am trying to enjoy every minute that I can with them. I love them so much!


We had a great Christmas morning. We hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas!
Our Tree and presents before all the fun began!

Gasp! Oh my gosh! Yes it is a true Christmas Miracle, Hannah and Haleigh doing something together without fighting.

I know what you are thinking "Do we have a picture where Bronson is NOT on the computer?"....Um...No

Gotta love the Christmas morning hair!

Lanna licking her chops after a tasty Christmas treat! Seriously when does this dog ever not have her tongue hanging out!

Bacca getting a treat from his stocking.

If you don't know by now Haleigh is obsessed with littlest pet shop animals and now has a DS game too!

Hannah is excited about her vest. It is a good thing my kids are like me and like lots of clothes.

Puppies very excited to open their stockings. As you can see Bacca doesn't care if it is his or Lanna's stocking.

I was trying to get a picture of my cute Christmas Toes but, as you can see in the back ground, Lanna thought it was time for belly rubs.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Can you believe it Halloween has come and gone already. This year I went completely insane and made the girls costumes. It was fun but, quite a bit of work. Don't look too closely I am not a seamstress. I am glad I did it though. (now that it is done...I didn't feel that way 3 days before Halloween) As a kid I remember my sister making my brother and I Halloween costumes and thinking I was pretty cool. My favorite costume was my leopard costume. I loved having a tail for what ever reason. I had a fun time watching the girls get excited to see the progress on their costume each morning or after school. (Yes I had some late nights working on the costumes) I was totally surprised how many people have no idea who Jack Skellington and Sally are and how many people have never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Sally and Jack Skellington

Bacca the Bat...It is so funny to watch him run around the wings move a little and freak him out. Think chasing his tail only worse and funnier!

Lovely Princess Lanna (Haleigh really liked Lanna's costume can you guess why?)

Lanna Princess tongue or lick monster

Bat boy and Princess Lanna (hey can you believe it no tongue oh my mistake Bacca has his tongue peeking out)

Ok Mom enough with the pictures we are ready for candy Dang it!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Every year we get pumpkins and the girls and I get to scrape the insides while Bronson carves them. Why do you ask only Bronson carve them 2 reasons the girls and knives don't mix (trust us) and well I have no creative talent and when I carve something nobody is happy with it.


Bronson's Cyclops

My Sinister Squashling

Bronson my master carver with my sinister squashling

Bronson working hard carving pumpkins

Finished Products

Timp Caves

Several weeks ago we took a trip up American Fork canyon to hike up to the Timp Caves. We have done this several times over the past few years and always have a great time. I remember the first time we took the girls six years ago and I wondered if we would ever make it to the caves we had to keep stopping so much to rest little legs. I guess not much has changed since Haleigh wanted to rest at every bench we came to! Here are some picts from this year as well as a few from the last few times we have hiked to the caves.

Here we are Oct 2008

Hannah and Haleigh Oct 2008
Can you believe how big these kids are getting!

In case you are wondering no Bronson is not taking a leak on the trail

Here we are in September 2006 (some how we didn't make it up there in 2004)

Hannah and Haleigh 2006

Here we are in September 2002

Hannah and Haleigh Sept 2002

Monday, October 20, 2008


I told Bronson in January that we needed to do something BIG for his 30th birthday. I gave him a choice he could finish the backyard for a big friends & family BBQ or go on a trip. Guess what he picked? Yep, the trip. So Bronson and I ran away to Chicago for 6 days. We had so much fun and between the two of us we took over 300 pictures. Here are some of our favorites.

Bronson at the end of Navy Pier on his birthday. He is now officially 30 years old!

Polar Bear at Linclon Park Zoo. This bear was so fun to watch he was not happy that a guy was sitting in front of the glass window and leaning up against it. There was another bear that kept swimming in circles totally oblivious to everything going on around him.

View from Sears Tower sky deck

One of our favorite things we did on our trip was going to the musical "Wicked". We absolutely loved it, if you get a chance to see it GO!

I took this picture just for my sister, Paula because she is big Oprah fan!

Bronson in front of Soldier Stadium where the Chicago Bears play

This was across the street from our hotel. (I posted it just for Chuck)

As you can see we kept ourselves quite busy so here is Bronson taking a nap.