Friday, November 7, 2008

Timp Caves

Several weeks ago we took a trip up American Fork canyon to hike up to the Timp Caves. We have done this several times over the past few years and always have a great time. I remember the first time we took the girls six years ago and I wondered if we would ever make it to the caves we had to keep stopping so much to rest little legs. I guess not much has changed since Haleigh wanted to rest at every bench we came to! Here are some picts from this year as well as a few from the last few times we have hiked to the caves.

Here we are Oct 2008

Hannah and Haleigh Oct 2008
Can you believe how big these kids are getting!

In case you are wondering no Bronson is not taking a leak on the trail

Here we are in September 2006 (some how we didn't make it up there in 2004)

Hannah and Haleigh 2006

Here we are in September 2002

Hannah and Haleigh Sept 2002


Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful area!

Julie said...

Shut up...he's totally taking a!!

I can't believe how much they have grown, even in two years!


So cute!

Lexie said...

The funny thing is right down where he would be taking a leak is a dark spot. It is hard to see on this picture but when we look at on the computer you can see it and we had a nice laugh.