Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Procrastination my life acheivment

I guess I’ve procrastinated this long enough. Anyone who knows me can tell you my picture should be in the dictionary beneath the word procrastination. Just ask my husband! I have a hard enough time keeping up with my family and our chaotic schedules let alone keeping in touch with friends and family all over the place. Not that I don’t want to or think about it almost daily. So what to do, what to do! Of course start a blog! I enjoy seeing what everyone else is up to and have decided to jump on the band wagon of blogging. (Knowing me I will jump too far and fall off the other side of the wagon but, it’s ok I don’t bruise easy. Unless you try to pick up a stucco covered beam from your deck and hit your leg with it. It still isn’t healed more than 2 weeks later.)

Anyway here is my small and sure to be more than infrequent but, less than stellar attempt to keep everyone posted on our Organized but Chaotic life.

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