Can you believe it Halloween has come and gone already. This year I went completely insane and made the girls costumes. It was fun but, quite a bit of work. Don't look too closely I am not a seamstress. I am glad I did it though. (now that it is done...I didn't feel that way 3 days before Halloween) As a kid I remember my sister making my brother and I Halloween costumes and thinking I was pretty cool. My favorite costume was my leopard costume. I loved having a tail for what ever reason. I had a fun time watching the girls get excited to see the progress on their costume each morning or after school. (Yes I had some late nights working on the costumes) I was totally surprised how many people have no idea who Jack Skellington and Sally are and how many people have never seen The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Sally and Jack Skellington

Bacca the Bat...It is so funny to watch him run around the wings move a little and freak him out. Think chasing his tail only worse and funnier!

Lovely Princess Lanna (Haleigh really liked Lanna's costume can you guess why?)

Lanna Princess tongue or lick monster

Bat boy and Princess Lanna (hey can you believe it no tongue oh my mistake Bacca has his tongue peeking out)

Ok Mom enough with the pictures we are ready for candy Dang it!